Sandra Beltran
Full Day
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Class Details
You Can Call Me Sweetie and Sweetie Academy is a Custom Cookie Boutique and Cookie Decorating School located in Miami, Florida.
Sandie began her love of cookie decorating in October 2012 and began making sets for her family and friends. The popularity of her sugar art grew so rapidly that she decided to start a side business and thus You Can Call Me Sweetie was born!!!
In the very beginning, Sandie was juggling a full time job as an office manager by day, and cookie artist nights and weekends. But January 2015 she was able to make that leap and finally take her passion for cookie decorating full time. Sandie has become an award winning cookie artist. Winning Cookie Connection's 2014 Cookier of the Year Award as well as being nominated as a Finalist for Cake Master's Magazine's 2015 Cookie Award.
She specializes in custom made to order sugar cookies as well as provide group and private cookie decorating classes.
"I truly strive for perfection and enjoy working with intricate and innovative designs to give the "WOW" factor to any event. I love sharing my cookie journey with my students and helping them achieve their full potential in this wonderful world of cookie decorating".