Mariëlle de Vroome
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Class Details
Mariëlle de Vroome is the founder and owner of De Koekenbakkers.
She started her cookie business in 2010 in the Netherlands and since then she has been a full time cookie decorator and teacher of cookie decorating classes all across Europe and the rest of the world.
Her work was featured in a variety of national and international magazines and her cookie business makes custom designed cookies for clients like SONY, ECCO, L’Oreal, Jimmy Choo, Armani, Mont Blanc and Twitter.
In 2012 her first book about cookie decorating (‘‘Het Koekboek’’) was released in the Netherlands and in 2014 she expanded her cookie business with designing her own collection of 3D-printed Cookie Cutters which are currently being sold worldwide in an online shop.
Mariëlle found her passion in cookie decorating and she especially likes ‘building’ Gingerbread houses and coming up with new and original ways to use cookies and royal icing in edible 3D-designs.