Handi Mulyana
Full Day
Makan siang dan/atau makanan siang akan disediakan secara cuma-cuma bilamana Anda memilih opsi ini.
Menu vegetarian tersedia bilamana Anda memerlukannya dan/atau memilih opsi ini.
Celemek dapat dibeli untuk dibawa pulang. Bilamana Anda tidak berminat untuk membelinya maka kami akan meminjamkannya secara cuma-cuma selama kelas berlangsung.
Tas berbayar tersedia bilamana Anda memilih opsi ini karena kami tidak lagi menyediakan tas plastik secara cuma-cuma.
Class Details
Where else did I meet Handi for the very first time if it’s not in one of his very sought after class in Jakarta?
His 20 years of teaching experience around the globe really counts to making his classroom alive. With him, I guarantee that you will have wonderful days in class. Not only you’ll learn new skills, you will also have fun and good laughter while working hard on your cake…how about that?
Handi’s strength is on creating cake constructions, he is a brilliant cake engineer. This award winning cake decorator has made many beautiful cakes for world-class celebrities & has appeared in many TV Shows.
It was Handi who inspired me & triggered the birth of Sugar World Academy…that’s why it is very natural that he is the first teacher ever taught in our new facility.
In a span of 1 week, he taught 4 different classes here, the popular Stiletto which is resemble and much prettier than the real shoe..the cute Koala, representing Australian nature, a place where he now calls home…and the well structured and well balanced animations caracters.
We all had fun and a good doze of laughters with him. A week gone by too quickly and never enough. Jakarta can’t wait for his next visit….